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中秋節是東亞民間的一個傳統節日,起源於中國,為每年農曆的八月十五。按照中國的農曆,八月為秋季的第二個月,古時稱為仲秋,因此民間稱為中秋,又稱秋夕、八月節、八月半、月夕、月節,又因為這一天月亮滿圓,象徵團圓,又稱為團圓節。受中華文化的影響,中秋節也是日本、越南、朝鮮半島等地的傳統節日。 在台灣,陰曆八月十五的中秋節是個重要民俗節日,全台灣放假一天。至今,台灣一般民眾仍普遍有賞月吃月餅、柚子的習慣。而地區性的文化,如美濃地區的客家人於中秋節宰食水鴨公;宜蘭地區除了月餅,還吃一種以麵粉製成,中間抹上黑糖烘焙而成的「菜餅」;南部地區也有在中秋節吃麻糬及火鍋的習俗。
Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in Eastern Asian, originated in China. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August is the second month of autumn, known as Zhongqiu, the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Qiu Xi. On August 15th and because of this day The moon is full round, symbolizing reunion, also known as reunion. By the influence of Chinese culture, the Mid-Autumn Festival is also Japan, Vietnam, the Korean Peninsula and other places of the traditional festivals.In Taiwan, the lunar calendar August 15 Mid-Autumn Festival is an important folk festival, the whole of Taiwan holiday day. So far, the general public in Taiwan is still generally have to eat moon cake, grapefruit habits. In addition to the moon cake, but also eat a kind of flour made, the middle of the black sugar baked from the "cake"; the southern region also has a small bowl of food, such as the United States and the region, In the Mid-Autumn Festival to eat Ma and hot pot of the custom.In the mid-1980s, Taiwan began to rise the habit of mid-autumn barbecue. There are many sources of their sources. One said the impact of advertisers, the second is hunger at night, the wild barbecue will become popular. This habit is believed to be in this era, the Taiwan economy took off, life westernization, associated with the traditional folk customs, strictly speaking, Taiwan's Mid-Autumn Festival barbecue new festivals should be an extension of foreign customization of barbecue. In recent years in Taichung City, Yilan County, New North City, etc. held more than the Mid-Autumn Festival barbecue.