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元宵節是農曆新年的第一個月圓之夜,象徵著春天的到來,人們吃元宵、賞花燈、猜燈謎,以示祝賀。 元宵節,亦稱為上元節、小正月、元夕、小年或燈節,日本稱上元,朝鮮稱正月大滿月、正月大為固有詞,月圓、望日之意,上元、元宵、元夕、烏忌日,時間是每年的農曆正月十五。台灣台語稱為元宵節、上元、正月半。 元宵節是農曆新年的第一個月圓之夜,象徵著春天的到來,人們吃元宵、賞花燈、猜燈謎,以示祝賀。這是春節之後的第一個重要節日。中國明朝錢塘瞿佑《雙頭牡丹燈記》:「每歲元夕,於明州張燈五夜。傾城士女,皆得縱觀」。
The Lantern Festival is the first full moon night of the Lunar New Year, symbolizing the arrival of spring, people eat Lantern Festival, lanterns, guess the riddles to congratulate. Lantern Festival, also known as the yuan section, small lunar January, Yuan Xi, young or Lantern Festival, Japan, said the yuan, North Korea said the lunar month full moon, the lunar month is a natural word, full moon, hope the meaning of the yuan, Lantern Festival , Yuan Xi, Wu Yi day, the time is the annual lunar month fifteen. Taiwanese language is called the Lantern Festival, the yuan, the first half. The Lantern Festival is the first full moon night of the Lunar New Year, symbolizing the arrival of spring, people eat Lantern Festival, lanterns, guess the riddles to congratulate. This is the first important holiday after the Spring Festival. China's Ming Dynasty Qiantang Qu You "double-headed peony light": "Every year old evening, in Mingzhou Zhang light five nights." Allure women, have to look through. "