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✱台灣旅遊景點磁鐵 » 旅遊景點磁鐵
商品編號 : A01004
  • 端午節

  • 會員價 $130    市價 $130

磁磚網版印刷 4.5*9.5*0.8CM(寬*高*厚.背面附吸鐵) 商品淨重:75g



Dragon Festival is on the fifth day of the May, also known as the sun festival, noon festival, May Festival,etc. It used to be a summer day for expelling mosquitoes and illness, Later on becoming to memorize Chu’s poet, “Qu Yuan” in the day to commit suicide. Taiwan Dragon Boat Festival to retain a large number of Chinese Dragon Boat Festival customs, the Taiwanese commonly known as the end of the sun, "five-day festival" or "May Festival", custom for eating dumplings, drinking male rice wine, flooding five drugs, drink afternoon water, afternoon water, Legend can be at noon, erect eggs can get good luck) with the dragon boat. Dragon Boat Festival in addition to the custom of the summer solstice, the Taiwan custom that the afternoon of the afternoon at noon, is the yang of the year the most prosperous moment, so with the afternoon water can be physical fitness, get rid of all diseases, joined the lemongrass, wormwood, calamus, etc. Exorcism plants, or hanging Rong branch, drink male rice wine, wear hanging Xiang Xin (sachet) can achieve the effect; the other day will make wash grass, also have anti-virus fitness effect. The most famous of the country to learn "noon water" location in Taichung City,

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