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臺北孔子廟,位於台灣台北市大龍街,是於臺灣日治時期的1925年重建、1939年完工的廟宇。 主祀大成至聖先師的臺北市孔廟,是大臺北最重要的孔廟。目前為臺北市之文廟代表而武廟則以行天宮為代表。文武廟均無門神,武廟則另外採用108個門釘為主的廟門。 Taipei Confucius Temple, located in Taichung Street, Taipei, Taiwan, was renovated in 1925, Japanese colonial period. The main temple is the most important Confucius Temple in Taipei. At present, the representative of the temple in Taipei City and the temple is represented by the temple. Wenwu Temple are no door god, martial arts temple is also the use of 108 door nail-based temple. |