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✱台灣旅遊景點磁鐵 » 旅遊景點磁鐵
商品編號 : A01014
  • 台北總統府(膠)

  • 特價 $160    市價 $180

軟膠入色成型 約6.5*5.5*0.8CM(寬*高*厚.背面附吸鐵) 商品淨重:48.5g

中華民國總統府之廳舍位於台灣台北市博愛特區,在台灣日治時期啟用時做為台灣總督府辦公廳舍之用,建築風格為「後期文藝復興式」(late-Renaissance style),於1919年完工以後,就一直是臺灣的最高權力中心所在,此建築也是中華民國內政部所指定的國定古蹟。


Office of the President, Republic of China (Taiwan) is located in the city of Taipei, Taiwan. It is used as the office of the governorate of Taiwan during Japanese colonized period. The architectural style is "late-Renaissance style" After the completion of the year, it has been the supreme power center of Taiwan, which is also the national monument designated by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of China.
After the establishment of the Taiwan provincial government in 1947, the building has been named for the "provincial capital", but the actual office of the Taiwan provincial government is the original Taipei City Hall (now the Executive Yuan Building) [source request]. With the relocation of China government to Taiwan in 1949, the House of Representatives decided on December 9: the presidential palace and the Executive Yuan were set up in the office of the building, which became the presidential palace of the Republic of China. During the period from 1949 to 1957, the Presidential Office of the Republic of China and the Office of the Executive Yuan were in office. In addition, the original building of the building was held until March 25, 2006 by the DPP Chen Shui-bian government officially removed, the official replacement for the "Presidential Palace."
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