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國立故宮博物院,簡稱故宮、台北故宮,又名中山博物院,是位於於臺灣臺北市士林區的一個國立博物館,直屬於中華民國行政院,為中華民國中央內閣機構之一。除了臺北外雙溪的主院區外,另於臺灣南部的嘉義縣太保市籌建南部院區。國立故宮博物院,簡稱故宮、台北故宮,又名中山博物院,是位於於臺灣臺北市士林區的一個國立博物館,直屬於中華民國行政院,為中華民國中央內閣機構之一。除了臺北外雙溪的主院區外,另於臺灣南部的嘉義縣太保市籌建南部院區。根據《國立故宮博物院組織法》,國立故宮博物院以『整理、保管、展出原國立北平故宮博物院及國立中央博物院籌備處所藏之歷代古文物及藝術品,並加強對古代中國文物藝術品之徵集、研究、闡揚,以擴大社教功能』為設置宗旨。館內以收藏中華文化歷代古物、圖書、文獻為主,主要承襲自宋、元、明、清四朝宮廷之皇家收藏,加上後來徵集的文物,數量計693,507件,台北故宮是無疑是台北展開知性文化之旅的好地方。 National Palace Museum, referred to as the Taipei Palace, also known as Zhongshan Museum, is located in Taipei, Shihlin District. A national museum, directly under the Republic of China Executive Yuan, is one of the central cabinet of the Republic of China. In addition to the main building in Sungai, the other in southern Taiwan's Chiayi County, Tai Po City started to build the branch in Southern Taiwan. According to the "National Palace Museum Organization Law", the National Palace Museum’s mission is to "organize, research, display the original National Palace Museum. The museum gathers the collection of Chinese culture ancient antiquities, books, literature, mainly inherited from the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties palace royal collection, in the number of 693,507. Taipei Palace is undoubtedly a good place for Taipei to start an intellectual tour. |