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紅毛城古稱「安東尼堡」,位於台灣新北市淡水區。 該城最早是在1628年由當時佔領台灣北部的西班牙人所興建,後來聖多明哥城遭到摧毀,1644年荷蘭人於聖多明哥城原址附近予以重建,又命名為「安東尼堡」,1867年以後曾經被英國政府長期租用至1972年,被當成是英國領事館的辦公地點,一直到1980年,該城的產權才轉到中華民國政府手中。紅毛城不但是台灣現存最古老的建築之一,同時也是內政部所頒訂的國家一級古蹟。 Hong Mao City (Âng-mng-siâⁿ), the ancient name "Anthony castal", located in Taiwan's new North City freshwater area. The city was first built in 1628 by the Spanish who occupied the northern part of Taiwan at the time, and then the city of Santo Domingo was destroyed. In 1644 the Dutchman was rebuilt near the site of the city of Santo Domingo and named "Antonio Fort" , 1867 years after the British government has long been rented until 1972, was regarded as the British consulate office, until 1980, the city's property was transferred to the hands of the Chinese government. Hong Mao City is not only one of Taiwan's oldest buildings, but also the Ministry of the Interior issued by the national monuments. |