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鹿港民俗文物館位於鹿港大街的後巷(彰化縣鹿港鎮中山路152號),前身為近代顯赫一時的台灣五大家族之鹿港辜家之舊居。鹿港地政檔案顯示,興建於日本大正三年(1914年),歷時五年於大正八年(1919年)完工。鹿港民俗文物館的前身,即鹿港辜家辜顯榮宅邸。 Lukang - folk custom cultural relic hall is located in the back lane of Lukang Street (No. 152, Zhongshan Road, Lugang Town, Changhua County), formerly known as the modern family of the five major families of Taiwan. Lukang records show that it was built in Taisho for three years (1914) and lasted for five years in Dazheng eight years (1919). Folk custom cultural relic hall's predecessor is Lu Hong Gu Gu Gu Guirong mansion. |