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「太魯閣」或「大魯閣」(Taroko)一詞原為三個太魯閣族(原歸類為泰雅族之一支賽德克亞族)部落名的合稱,分別為太魯閣(德路固)部落(Truku)、道澤部落(Teuda)和德奇塔部落(Tkdaya),後來皆認同Truku Truwan為三個部落的共同居住地、祖居地,遂自稱為「太魯閣族人」(Seejiq Truku),其原音為德路固「Truku」,爾後在日治時期時轉為太魯閣「Taroko」,兩者皆同音。
Taroko National Park features magnificent canyons and cliffs. "Taroko Youxia" ranked as one of Taiwan's eight. Taroko National Park is one of the earliest national parks in Taiwan, formerly known as the establishment of the Japanese era of high Tarou National Park. November 12, 1986 announcement plan, November 28, 1986 establishment of management office. Located in the eastern part of Taiwan, across the Hualien County, Taichung City, Nantou County three administrative regions. The park has Taiwan's first thing through the highway through the road, known as the cross-road system. Taroko National Park features the canyon and cliffs, the cliffs of the cliffs, the quiet scenery, "Tarou Youxia" and thus one of Taiwan's eight scenic spots. In addition, the park's mountains to retain a lot of glacial relics, such as mountain pepper and so on. "Taroko" or "Taroko" (Taroko) was originally the name of the three Taroko family (originally classified as one of the Atayal tribes), collectively, (Truku), the Teuda and the Tkdaya, and later recognized Truku Truwan as the common residence of the three tribes, the ancestral home, then claiming to be "Tarou Pavilion (Seejiq Truku), the original sound for the German road solid "Truku", and later in the Japanese rule period to Taroko "Taroko", both are homonyms.