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✱台灣旅遊景點磁鐵 » 夜光版旅遊景點磁鐵
商品編號 : A01018-1
  • 我愛台北夜光版

  • 特價 $175    市價 $195

軟膠入色成型 尺寸:長:9.4cm 寬:6.4cm 厚:0.8CM(背面附吸鐵) 淨重:44.5g 材質:PVC軟膠 夜光粉 金蔥粉

***我愛台北 旅遊景點磁鐵***



來台灣必買伴手禮!不管是出國留遊學,還是跟團自助行,每次當人提起寶島台灣時~總是不知道如何介紹,除了買鳳梨酥或是台灣茶葉與外國友人分享外! 你絕對不能錯過台灣寶島的美景和當地特色商品~


我們的商品在各大紀念品店幾乎都可以找到, 品質保證!出貨快速 




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  • 磁鐵磁力強!貼在任何地方都漂亮
  • 微量設計軟膠,立體好看! "夜光磁鐵"就算夜晚也都看得到!!
  • 台灣文創商品,愛台灣的好表現
  • 任何各大景點都有,介紹台灣的必買禮物!!!
(本產品具有夜光效果 )
(This magnet has a specialty of  noctilucence and lasts visible in the dark for illuminating
under the lights at least 10 minutes.)
臺北 歷史介紹


Taipei is the capital of the Republic of China is also the most populous city in Taiwan, Taiwan's political, economic and cultural center.Taipei, meaning "Taiwan's north", originally referred to as the northern part of Taiwan, the late 19th century, Taipei City, gradually used to specifically refers to the city as the center of the development of the city.Taipei is the capital of the Republic of China is also the most populous city in Taiwan, Taiwan's political, economic and cultural center; its urban area, also covers the entire Taipei Basin, and expanded to the basin around the mountain. China, Nanyang, Toyo, Western and the world's culture in this inclusive, not only makes Taipei a Taiwanese culture for the world window, is one of the representatives of the Chinese language city.
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