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***中正紀念堂 旅遊景點磁鐵***
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台灣名勝古蹟 中正紀念堂 歷史介紹 國立中正紀念堂的屋頂仿造北京天壇模式,四面構造仿造埃及金字塔;國立中正紀念堂的白色大理石、寶藍色的琉璃瓦、滿園遍植的紅花,就如同青天白日滿地紅的象徵。國立中正紀念堂正廳恭置 蔣公坐姿銅像,底座部份設有展覽室和放映室,陳列蔣公一生對國家民族偉大勳業之文物,供民眾參觀,國立中正紀念堂左右分列戲劇院與音樂廳,提供國際性的藝文表演,古色古香的中國宮殿式建築,莊嚴宏偉,許多國內外之文化表演均在此進行。
National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall of the roof is an imitation of the Beijing Temple of Heaven model, surrounded by the imitation of the Egyptian pyramid; National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall has the white marble, blue and blue glazed tiles, full of garden safflower, like the blue sky and red day as a symbol. The National Chung Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall puts the father of nation,Jiang Gong,sitting in bronze statue, the base part of the exhibition room and screening room, display Jiang Gong's life on the nation's great heritage of the cultural relics for the people to visit. The National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall has the theater and music Hall, providing international art performances, antique Chinese palace architecture, solemn and magnificent, many domestic and foreign cultural performances are took place here. 瘋台灣紀念品 | 金時遊踪之家有限公司 | 新北市板橋區文化路二段451號4樓之1︱電話:02-8257-2518︱goldtec.travel@gmail.com︱
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