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淡水紅毛城 Tamsui San Domingo
淡水擁有30多處古蹟與歷史建築,當中歷史最悠久首推國定古蹟淡水紅毛城。紅毛城自十七世紀起歷經9個不同政權、國家的管轄,西班牙、荷蘭、英國、日本等先後在這裡開拓,為淡水留下豐富的歷史見證。 ~紅毛城可說是淡水最耀眼的古蹟建築也是遊客必到的旅遊勝地!~
There’s more than 30 historic relics in Tamsui. Among all the historic relics, the oldest one will be Tamsui San Domingo. Since the 17 century, San Domingo had went through 9 different regimes, including Spain, Netherlands, England, and Japan. ~San Domingo is one of the most well-known historic relics in Tamsui. It is also a must see travel attraction in Tamsui. |